We generate more than 9,000 direct jobs in Mexico

More than a hundred professional profiles build the value of our company

We want to hire you

Important notice: Our recruitment and selection processes are completely free, including medical exams.

The official company accounts will always come under our domain: @keken.com.mx

At Kekén we do not discriminate based on sex, marital status, age, religion, race, disability, political preferences, social class and health status.

We are a benchmark in labor inclusion for people with disabilities

Promoting and strengthening a culture of labor inclusion for people with disabilities is one of the challenges we have taken on at Kekén since 2021, by positioning our operations to provide access to formal employment for this sector of the population through our Kekén T-Incluye program.

Our operations are governed by the Occupational Health and Safety System in Mexico to ensure safe and healthy workplaces for our employees.

We are present in more than 10 states of the Mexican Republic through our value chain:

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