Sustainable pig farming

In line with Grupo DESC’s sustainability strategy, at Kekén we apply a sustainable pig farming model in all our facilities, as well as in our processes and products, in order to consolidate a production chain based on three dimensions with human rights at its center.


Our production and growth are closely linked to a harmonious coexistence with the environment, the preservation and responsible use of natural resources.

We focus our environmental strategy on:

We place special emphasis on the responsible use of our water resources with wastewater treatment systems in our industrial plants and production centers, positioning ourselves as pioneers in the country in the use of eco-technology and continuous process improvement.

As part of the policies that guarantee harmony between our operations and wildlife, we set aside more than 15,000 hectares for the protection, conservation and study of flora and fauna species. Areas that have become an important refuge for endemic and migratory species, and even catalogued as important for conservation according to NOM-059 SEMARNAT.

The innovation and technification of the processes on our farms allows the generation of renewable energy with an equivalent of 15% of the electrical energy used on the farm.


2025 Meta Descarga Cero

As part of the continuous improvement of our operating practices and technological innovation with an environmental focus, we implemented “Meta Descarga Cero 2025”, a project specialized in wastewater treatment that recovers and recirculates water, generating savings and its appropriate reuse in our processes on a permanent basis, positioning us as a benchmark for sustainability in the Mexican meat industry.


Through continuous dialogue and programs focused on the promotion of wellbeing and culture in the communities, we carry out various programs for the promotion of human rights, with special emphasis on the right to health and education.
We have several Health Care Centers, mobile clinics and health fairs with delivery of medicines in communities of Yucatan, as well as programs to promote sports and addiction prevention.


One of the commitments we have at Kekén is the reduction of inequalities, we implement various programs that aim to support the economy of families in the communities where we are present, as well as labor inclusion for people with disabilities and opportunities for women.

We are active promoters of the Circular Economy, interrelating environmental, social and economic aspects in the optimization of resources with cardboard recycling activities in our stores, promoting beekeepers and local farmers with inputs and spaces from our farms.

At Kekén we consolidate our active and permanent commitment to the UN's 2030 Agenda and human rights

The 2030 Agenda is a global plan made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that seek to guide the actions of all countries towards prosperity and the fulfillment of human rights. At Kekén, we focus our efforts on three main areas: Environment, Community and Development based on eleven specific SDGs:

If you want to learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals click here

Thirteen consecutive years recognized as a Socially Responsible Company.
Outstanding distinction for the respect and protection of human rights.
Our processes certified to ensure Animal Welfare.
Leading actions for the planet.
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