
We are flavor and tradition

More than 30 years feeding the families of Mexico and the world.

Pork, for its great nutritional contributions, has become a key ingredient in a healthy diet.
We share with you some of the benefits that can be obtained from its consumption:

Great source of protein

Pork is an excellent source of high quality protein, which is essential for the construction and repair of tissues; it is ideal for any stage of life and is very beneficial for the nutrition of athletes.

Vitamins and minerals essential for the body

It is also rich in iron, zinc and vitamin B12, which are important for the immune system, brain function and energy production.

Lean meat

Pork has lean cuts (fat-free and boneless) that, when cooked in a healthy way, are an excellent choice to include in the daily diet.

It contains healthy fats

This type of meat contains healthy fats for the organism, providing the energy and carbohydrates necessary for better concentration in daily tasks.

Pork is an emblematic protein in the gastronomy

of many countries in the world and especially in Mexico, for this reason we can find it in many typical Mexican dishes that, besides having an exceptional flavor, are ideal to achieve a diet that offers the necessary energy for our daily activities.
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