What is Kekén’s commitment to food and nutritional safety?
Our pork production and marketing company assumes the responsibility of guaranteeing products of the highest quality and food safety for our consumers. We strive to comply with national and international regulations at every stage of the production process, from the breeding of animals to the distribution of our products. We implement strict quality and safety controls, ensuring that each piece of meat we offer meets the standards required to protect the health and well-being of those who trust us.
Promoting healthy nutrition. We recognise the importance of pork as an essential source of protein, vitamins and minerals in people’s diets. Therefore, we are committed to offering fresh and nutritious products that contribute to a balanced diet. We work to promote healthy eating habits, providing clear information on the nutritional properties of our products and encouraging their responsible consumption within a varied and balanced diet.
Sustainability and social responsibility. We understand that food safety depends not only on the quality of the final product, but also on the sustainability of the production processes. We are committed to implementing responsible practices that minimize environmental impact, promoting animal welfare and the efficient use of natural resources. We also work closely with our communities, supporting education programs and access to quality food to strengthen food security in the regions where we operate.
Innovation and continuous improvement. Our commitment to food and nutritional safety is supported by constant investment in technological innovation and continuous improvement processes. We seek to incorporate the best practices in the industry, such as the traceability of our products and the use of advanced technologies to ensure food safety. In addition, we maintain an open dialogue with our customers and consumers to adapt to their needs and expectations, ensuring that our products contribute significantly to a better quality of life.
What is Kekén’s position on animal abuse?
At Kekén we are committed to promoting the healthy and comfortable development of pigs, avoiding feelings of pain or fear, attending them in a timely manner against any ailments they may present, and providing humane euthanasia in extreme cases if necessary.
Animal welfare, in addition to being the zootechnical basis for increasing the healthy growth of animals, strengthens our commitment to society to offer consumers a high quality, value-added product.
Under this policy, at Kekén we are committed to ensure that all pigs in our company receive:
- Free access to drinking water and fresh balanced feed, which satisfy their nutritional and physiological needs, and that farm personnel ensure the correct functioning of the equipment that supplies them.
- Good housing conditions with respect to space and comfort, maintaining pens, floors, aisles, feeders, ramps, ventilation and heating equipment that provide optimal environments for each phase of their development.
- Good transport conditions, using specialized trucks, previously washed, disinfected and dried, at a loading density in accordance with international standards that ensure the comfort of the animals during the journey.
- Immediate treatment for any health condition of any kind in accordance with established veterinary protocols, providing special housing conditions and care for those animals that require it.
- Humane euthanasia treatment, either at the processing plant or at the farm, if they are seriously ill or injured and have not responded favorably to the intensive care and treatment provided.
At Kekén, we promote and encourage the institutional culture of Animal Welfare in our personnel through dissemination, participation and training in management measures based on national regulations and international standards.