Frequently asked questions

What is Kekén’s commitment to food and nutritional safety?

Our pork production and marketing company assumes the responsibility of guaranteeing products of the highest quality and food safety for our consumers. We strive to comply with national and international regulations at every stage of the production process, from the breeding of animals to the distribution of our products. We implement strict quality and safety controls, ensuring that each piece of meat we offer meets the standards required to protect the health and well-being of those who trust us.

Promoting healthy nutrition. We recognise the importance of pork as an essential source of protein, vitamins and minerals in people’s diets. Therefore, we are committed to offering fresh and nutritious products that contribute to a balanced diet. We work to promote healthy eating habits, providing clear information on the nutritional properties of our products and encouraging their responsible consumption within a varied and balanced diet.

Sustainability and social responsibility. We understand that food safety depends not only on the quality of the final product, but also on the sustainability of the production processes. We are committed to implementing responsible practices that minimize environmental impact, promoting animal welfare and the efficient use of natural resources. We also work closely with our communities, supporting education programs and access to quality food to strengthen food security in the regions where we operate.

Innovation and continuous improvement. Our commitment to food and nutritional safety is supported by constant investment in technological innovation and continuous improvement processes. We seek to incorporate the best practices in the industry, such as the traceability of our products and the use of advanced technologies to ensure food safety. In addition, we maintain an open dialogue with our customers and consumers to adapt to their needs and expectations, ensuring that our products contribute significantly to a better quality of life.


What is Kekén’s position on animal abuse?

At Kekén we are committed to promoting the healthy and comfortable development of pigs, avoiding feelings of pain or fear, attending them in a timely manner against any ailments they may present, and providing humane euthanasia in extreme cases if necessary.

Animal welfare, in addition to being the zootechnical basis for increasing the healthy growth of animals, strengthens our commitment to society to offer consumers a high quality, value-added product.

Under this policy, at Kekén we are committed to ensure that all pigs in our company receive:

  1. Free access to drinking water and fresh balanced feed, which satisfy their nutritional and physiological needs, and that farm personnel ensure the correct functioning of the equipment that supplies them.
  2. Good housing conditions with respect to space and comfort, maintaining pens, floors, aisles, feeders, ramps, ventilation and heating equipment that provide optimal environments for each phase of their development.
  3. Good transport conditions, using specialized trucks, previously washed, disinfected and dried, at a loading density in accordance with international standards that ensure the comfort of the animals during the journey.
  4. Immediate treatment for any health condition of any kind in accordance with established veterinary protocols, providing special housing conditions and care for those animals that require it.
  5. Humane euthanasia treatment, either at the processing plant or at the farm, if they are seriously ill or injured and have not responded favorably to the intensive care and treatment provided.

At Kekén, we promote and encourage the institutional culture of Animal Welfare in our personnel through dissemination, participation and training in management measures based on national regulations and international standards.

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What does the contract production scheme consist of?

Through our contract production scheme we incorporate organized groups of producer partners from the communities and private investors into the productive dynamics.

To join this model, it is necessary to comply with all the technical and normative requirements based on international criteria and standards of: animal welfare, sustainability, sanitary controls and animal health, in addition to all the regulations established for the activity and official procedures requested by the federal, state and municipal authorities in our country.

As part of the guidelines for this model, our organization offers a permanent collaborative accompaniment with veterinary supervision and promotion of good livestock practices, environmental supervision to consolidate a sustainable swine farming with respect and in harmony with the environment, the supply of our balanced feed for the adequate breeding and nutrition of the swine herd.

How healthy is eating pork?

The Centro de Investigación en Nutrición y Salud Nacional de Salud Pública TIF (Tipo Inspección Federal) (CINyS-INSP) assures that pork meat has several nutritional properties such as proteins and amino acids for tissue recovery. As for cuts, such as loin or shank, these provide monounsaturated fats that are essential for obtaining energy and reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the organism.

Pork is a very nutritious and delicious food that can be included in our daily diet to achieve a balanced diet.

Below, we share some of the benefits that can be obtained from its consumption:

  • Great source of protein

Pork is a good source of high quality protein, which is essential for the construction and repair of tissues.

  • Vitamins and minerals essential for the body

It is also rich in iron, zinc and vitamin B12, which are important for the immune system, brain function and energy production.

  • Lean meat

If you choose a lean cut and cook it in a healthy way, pork can be a very healthy choice to include in your daily diet.

  • It contains healthy fats

This type of meat contains healthy fats for the organism, providing the energy and carbohydrates necessary for  better concentration in daily tasks. 

  • Delicious preparations with pork meat

It is essential to highlight that pork is the pride of Mexico, being one of the emblematic products as far as our gastronomy is concerned, for this reason we can find it in many typical Mexican dishes that, besides having an exceptional flavor, are ideal to achieve a diet that offers the necessary energy for our daily activities.


What is Kekén’s quality and safety culture?

At Kekén we are committed to the production of high quality pork products, always with the commitment to ensure the safety and exceed the expectations of our customers, in compliance with national and international regulations, promoting a culture of quality, continuous improvement in our processes and management system through communication, training and staff development.

Protecting the health of our consumers is an essential part of Kekén’s production, distribution and marketing systems, which allows us to offer pork products of the highest quality for Mexican and international families.

When our product reaches your table, you should know that behind it there is a complex process that begins in our genetics centers, balanced feed meal plants to provide healthy nutrition to the pigs, farms, processing plants and retail outlets.

From Yucatan we have forged a sustainable and avant-garde way of pig farming, where thanks to strict biosecurity controls in our farms and quality and hygiene controls in our processing plants, Kekén pork has reached the most demanding markets worldwide.

Our processing plants have TIF (Tipo Inspección Federal) certification, which guarantees that the final product has the highest standards of quality and safety. To achieve this certification, we comply with the strictest health and hygiene standards, including supervision by specialized government veterinarians, who guarantee compliance with health regulations through various physical, chemical, and microbiological tests.

In February 2023, we were awarded for the second time with the Premio Nacional Agroalimentario by the Consejo Nacional Agroalimentario (CNN) and the Secretaría de Agrícultura y Desarrollo Rural (SADER), recognizing excellence in our processes and products.

The key to being able to offer a world-class product, recognized worldwide, has been the continuous improvement of our processes and investment in innovation; we are very clear that our priority will always be the health of our consumers while applying a sustainable pig farming, a sustainable industry that allows us to continue having a positive impact on the lives of future generations.


How do we guarantee the nutritional quality of our food?

As a pork production company with a complete production chain, we can guarantee the nutritional quality of our products by implementing strategies and controls at each stage of the production process. The main actions that can be implemented are described below:

Proper animal feeding. The nutritional quality of pork is directly related to the diet of the animals. It is essential to provide them with a balanced diet, rich in essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals. This includes the use of high-quality ingredients in feed, avoiding products that can negatively affect the composition of the meat, such as trans fats or contaminants. A balanced diet strengthens the immune system of pigs, reducing the incidence of diseases and the need for antibiotics.

Animal welfare and breeding conditions. Ensuring the welfare of pigs positively impacts the nutritional quality of the meat. This includes maintaining adequate conditions of space, temperature, management and health. Animals raised in stress- and disease-free environments produce better quality meat, with a healthier nutritional profile and better flavor.

Production processes and quality control. We implement strict quality and safety control systems, such as good manufacturing practices (GMP) and hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) systems. These practices ensure that the meat retains its nutritional value, while preventing contamination by pathogens or chemicals. In addition, the implementation of traceability technology allows monitoring the entire process and guaranteeing a safe and nutritious final product.

By complying with these standards and promoting transparency in the processes, not only the nutritional quality of the final product is ensured, but also the trust of consumers, positioning the company as a benchmark in the sector.

How can I apply to work at Kekén?

At Kekén we offer job opportunities with free and transparent recruitment processes in 13 states of Mexico: Yucatán, Quintana Roo, Campeche, Tabasco, Chiapas, Veracruz, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Querétaro, Michoacán, Mexico City.

If you are interested in working with us or know someone who is looking for a job opportunity, we invite you to visit our official Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram accounts where we maintain an active and permanent campaign with information about our recruitment and selection processes. Also, through these sources you can find out about our participation in job fairs.

Remember that in Kekén our recruitment and personnel selection processes are free of charge, check only our official sites and avoid being a victim of scams!

DESC job board platform https://trabajaendesc.desc.com.mx/keken/

Social networks

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kekenmexico

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kekenmexico

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/kek%C3%A9n


If you have any questions or comments you can write to us at atraccion.talentos@keken.com.mx.


What are your health and safety measures for your employees?

At Kekén we are clear that the health and safety of our employees, their families and suppliers are a priority for the business. Our actions are focused on identifying, evaluating, and controlling risks in our operations to ensure the integrity of our personnel, facilities, environment, and neighboring communities. 

We are committed to carrying out all our operations in a healthy and safe environment and we are also convinced that prevention is the best tool that, together with a good attitude, guides us to take care of each other.

Using the KUO Group’s Occupational Health and Safety Policy as a frame of reference, we base our guidelines on the following parameters:

  • Compliance with legal requirements and occupational safety regulations.
  • Elimination of hazards and reduction of risks.
  • The promotion of a culture based on medical consultation and participation of our collaborators.
  • Continuous improvement of the management system.


What are your policies on labor equality?

In accordance with our corporate code of ethics, human rights and labor standards must be respected and complied with, so employees and third parties who have a relationship with the company or act on its behalf shall:

  • Treat every person with dignity and respect.
  • Promote equal opportunities between men and women and not allow gender-based violence.
  • Ensure that there is no forced or child labor.
  • Eliminate any practice of discrimination based on sex, marital status, age, religion, race, physical ability, health status, sexual orientation, political preferences, social class, etc.
  • At Kekén, any type of discrimination is prohibited.

Likewise, one of our greatest challenges and commitments since 2021 has been to promote and strengthen a culture of labor inclusion for people with disabilities, offering dignified and formal jobs for this sector of the population through our Kekén T-Incluye program, which sets the goal of hiring 500 people with disabilities in operational and administrative positions.

What is Kekén’s position on human rights? 

For Kekén, human rights are the fundamental basis for designing and establishing work plans, programs and activities around the business model focused on the production and commercialization of meat protein of the highest nutritional quality.

 The philosophy of the organization, its policies and institutional values, as well as the involvement and interaction with our customers, consumers, suppliers, authorities, families of the communities neighboring our operations, are attached to the respect and promotion of human rights also aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.

The right to food, health, a healthy environment, work, and the rights of people with disabilities are part of the rights that are aligned with the company’s vocation, commitment to our employees, procedures, practices and activities of the brand.

To date, Kekén is made up of more than 9 thousand employees in the country without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other condition.

From our vision and experience, respect will continue to be the driving force for the proper dissemination and application of human rights through our production model, which is highly relevant to the food security of Mexican families.


What is Kekén’s commitment to society? 

The company defines its commitment to society in multiple aspects:

  • Food commitment. Maintaining efficiency in the supply and provision of a healthy and accessible meat protein, which guarantees food safety for the consumption of Mexican families, as well as our customers from foreign markets interested in the quality of our product.
  • Social commitment. We carry out activities that promote and prioritize open and plural dialogue with citizens, community coexistence, healthy recreation, integration and strengthening of the social fabric, proximity and permanent support to vulnerable groups, activities and actions aimed at support, care and prevention of public health in urban and rural areas.
  • Economic commitment. We contribute formal and secure sources of employment for diverse professional profiles in the entities where we are present. We are a benchmark in Mexico as a company specialized in the labor inclusion of people with disabilities. We trigger indirect employment through a broad and solid chain of suppliers. As a business model, we contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the states where we have establishments, promoting development, quality of life and confidence in investments. 
  • Environmental commitment. Our operations, processes and collaborators are aligned through best practice schemes, investment in ecotechnology and responsible use of natural resources that optimize the implementation of sustainable pig farming, as well as promoting a culture of sustainable gastronomy, establishing functional standards in the fight against climate change and favorable for the preservation of the environment.

What are Kekén’s actions with the care of the planet?

In 2015, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a universal call to protect the planet and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

At Kekén, we have responded to the call and adopted actions aimed at strengthening the SDGs.  For example, in the area of the environment, we have made significant efforts in SDGs 6 and 13, Clean water and sanitation and Climate action, respectively.

As explained in the scope of SDG 6, Clean water and sanitation, it calls for significantly increasing the efficient use of water resources in all sectors and ensuring the sustainability of water withdrawals and supplies” by 2030.

Along these lines, at Kekén we have launched the Meta Descarga cero 2025  program, a highly ambitious project that is currently under development and whose main purpose is to reuse 100% of the water used in our operations.

Other initiatives we have taken to care for the environment are:

Conservation of natural areas

With more than 15,000 hectares that are home to diverse species of fauna and flora in our conservation areas located in Yucatán, we strive for natural wellbeing. This conservation area captures 175,681.71 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year (tCO2e). 

Agricultural project

One of the great results of the use of ecotechnology in our farms has been the sustainable biosolid, which, through our Agricultural Program, has been applied in more than 2,693 hectares of local farmers where its benefits have been proven, among them the contribution of nutrients to the soil as well as the improvement in the quality of the crops. Thanks to this project, thousands of farmers have reduced and/or eliminated the use of chemical fertilizers (which cause soil and microfauna deterioration).

Beekeeping project

Processed water from our wastewater treatment system has allowed us to maintain constant irrigation even in dry seasons, achieving a constant and timely flowering for bee foraging. As a result of these natural and optimal conditions of the area, we have been able to implement our Beekeeping Project, benefiting local beekeepers with apiaries located in our “Granja Kinchil”, along with training and monitoring of good honey production practices, thus becoming home to more than four million bees, fundamental pieces for the biodiversity of the planet.

Use of clean energy

We have achieved energy efficiency with motor-generators that are part of our robust water treatment systems and solar panels that allow us to generate clean energy.

For Kekén, caring for the environment and natural resources is a priority, whether through our own initiatives to improve processes or to help the conservation and growth of the region; all these actions are part of our Sustainable Pig Farming.

What measures does the company take to take care of water?

Kekén stands out for having an integrated and complete value chain, and our vocation is not limited only to the production and sale of pork but involves various processes prior to obtaining this healthy food.

This includes everything from genetics laboratories, to swine balanced feed meal plants, breeding farms, development farms, packing plants and retail outlets. And in each of these operations, we take specific actions to care for water.

In line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we have implemented several actions based on a culture of good practices to promote the saving and responsible use of water through various activities such as: efficient and exposed hydraulic systems to prevent and address leaks and fractures in a timely manner, and to expedite maintenance services.

However, the most important action to take care of this resource is to invest in the installation and operation of state-of-the-art wastewater treatment systems, which execute a series of processes with the objective of adequately treating water in order to minimize infectious agents. With the implementation of the ‘Meta Descarga Cero 2025’ program, treated water can be reused for operational tasks and avoid damage to the environment.

At Kekén, we have been complying with environmental regulations for more than 30 years by technifying our farms. Our farms have modern wastewater treatment systems. We also have water treatment plants in the rest of our business units, such as our processing plants and food plants, with the same purpose: to optimize our processes and promote the responsible use of water for the conservation of this vital resource. 

Our wastewater treatment system encompasses a series of physical, chemical and biological processes that intervene to achieve a quality water resource to be reused; guaranteeing not only our permanence, but also the production of quality food, another essential resource for people’s lives, specifically for their nutrition.

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