Privacy notice

Grupo Kuo, S.A.B. de C.V., heretofore “the Company”, “We”, or “Us”, located in Paseo de los Tamarindos, no. 400-B, 31st. floor, Colonia Bosques de las Lomas, Cuajimalpa de Morelos, Ciudad de México, C.P. 05110, in compliance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held By Individuals (LFPDPPP), its rules and regulations and all applicable legislation, makes available to the visitors of the website www.keken.com.mx (from now on the “Website”) and other Entities, the present Privacy Notice, which explains how your Personal Data will be processed. By ‘Personal Data’ we understand any information that identifies you or makes you identifiable.


You may navigate the Website without having to provide your Personal Data. However, in certain sections of the Website, you may have to provide some of the following Personal Data: a) identifying data (full name, gender, age, username, password, picture); b) contacting data (address, email, phone number, cellphone); c) information related to the purchase of our products (type of product, date of purchase, date of installation, proof of purchase, information about the asset on which our product is applied, I.e., make and model of your vehicle); d) information stemming from either representation or place of employment (the name of the company you represent or work for, position you hold in said company); e) your CV and the position you wish to apply for; f) questions, comments, suggestions and opinions on our products or services.

We may process your Personal Data for different purposes, depending on the objective of the section of the Website in which it is collected: i) to create and manage your account within the Website; ii) to provide technical assistance in relation to our products and services, and to attend your questions and suggestions; iii) to review your CV (if you provide us one), to take you into consideration in recruitment and selection processes, and to reach you; iv) to evaluate the quality of our products and services, to learn the degree of satisfaction of our Customers, and given the case, to improve said products and services; v) to provide you with our newsletter if you voluntarily sign up for it; vi) to inform you of special offers and other information about our products and services as well as other information that we deem to be of your interest (opt-in); vii) to keep you posted in the event of your involvement in any special offers or giveaways, and to inform you in case you win, or to honor the corresponding deal; viii) to honor the legal obligations and requirements made by competent authorities; ix) to exercise and to  the defense of a right; xi) to perform the Transference mentioned in the corresponding section; xii) to attend any request in relation to your Personal Data.


Additionally, by simply interacting with the Website, we may collect your navigation data (navigation preferences, device you employ, IP address, how you use the Website) through cookies and similar tools. This information does not identify you directly, but some of it may render you identifiable.  

We may use this information to learn how frequently you visit the Website, to customize your navigation experience, and to remember your navigation preferences for your next visit. 

You may block the use of cookies or delete them through the settings option in your browser. By performing these actions, some functions of the Website may not display correctly. For instance, in Google Chrome, access “Settings”, then click “More Tools”, then “Clear Browsing Data”, afterwards click on “Cookies and other site data” and click on “Clear Data”. 

We encourage you to learn more about what cookies are and how they work at www.allaboutcookies.org/es 


When you get in touch with us through email or any other means of communication (phone, etc.), we may collect the following Personal Data: a) personal information (full name, gender, age); b) contact information (email, phone number, address); c) questions, requests for information, comments, or suggestions that you send our way; d) your CV.

Your Personal Data will be used for the following: i) to attend your communications (information requirements, questions, comments, suggestions, etc.) ii) to safeguard our safety and the safety of other parties; iii) in the event that you provide us with your CV, to take you into consideration for recruitment and selection, and to let you know of our decision; iv) to transfer your Personal Data as stated in the corresponding section; v) to honor any requests by authorities, or to meet legal obligations, or to exercise and procure the defense of a right; vi) to satisfy any requests you may ask of us in regard to your Personal Data; vii) to ensure your safety, as well as that of the Company and of other parties. viii) to inform you about our products or services, or any information which we deem to be of your interest (opt-in).


When you enter our facilities, we may request that you log both the times of your entry and departure. During your visit we may collect the following Personal Data: a) personal information (full name, official ID, signature, picture); b) representation or work information (company that employs you or company you represent, position); c) information relative to your visit (person you visit, reason of your visit, electronic devices on your person, times of entry and departure).

We may process your Personal Data for the following: a) identification; b) to allow you entry into our facilities and to tend to you during your visit; c) to keep a record of our visitors; d) to ensure your safety as well as ours and other parties; d) to conduct the Transference stated in the proper section of this document; d) to honor the requirements from the authorities, to fulfill any legal obligations, and to execute legal action; f) to heed any requests you send our way in connection to your Personal Data.


When you, by any reason, enter our facilities, we may collect Personal Data such as picture and voice via security cameras. These Personal Data will be used towards the following: i) identification; ii) to ensure your safety as well as the safety of the Company, of our facilities, employees, related societies, and other parties; iii) to conduct the Transference pointed out in the proper section of this document; iv) to meet any requests by authorities, or to fulfill any legal obligations, or for the exercise or the defense of a right; v) to heed any requests you send our way in connection to your Personal Data.


Your Personal Data may be transferred to the following third parties for the following purposes:




To fulfill any of the purposes previously stated and according to the context in which your Personal Data was collected.


To ensure your safety as well as ours and the safety of third parties, to honor requirements from competent authorities, for recognition purposes, for the exercise or defense of a right in a judiciary or administrative process; as well as in any case specifically allowed by the Law.


You have the right to request Access to the Personal Data we have on you, to ask us its correction or update; to request its Cancellation whenever it’s possible, and to Oppose that your Personal Data be treated for unnecessary means or any other legitimate reason (also known as “ARCO” rights). You may also request we limit our use and disclosure of your Personal Data, or to revoke the consent you previously granted us.

You may exercise any of the above rights through our Corporate Committee of Personal Data, either by sending an email to datos.personales@kuo.com.mx or by sending your request via postage to the address stated in the preamble to this document.

Your request must include at the very minimum the following: a) your full name, address or other way of reaching you; b) a clear description of the Personal Data you wish to exercise your right and which right you wish to exercise; c) a copy of your ID and, if necessary, a copy of the document that certifies the identity of your representative; d) any other information or documents that make it easier for us to locate your Personal Data, and finally, e) the modifications you wish to conduct (in the case you choose to exercise your right to Rectify).

If your request does not meet these requirements, we will inform you and grant you 5 days to comply. If you don’t complete this request, your request will taken as invalid.

The Company will reply to your request in the following 20 business days after its reception. If deemed admissible, it will be honored in the following 15 business days. These periods may double under extenuating circumstances.

By our understanding, access to your Personal Data will be delivered when we provide you with a copy of it, in whatever means or format, as long as it is comprehensible. Before providing you with Access to your Personal Data, we will require to certify your identity for your own safety.

Notwithstanding the previous information, in all our commercial publications we send to you (including our newsletter), we will always include the option to “unsubscribe” or to “stop receiving emails”, so you can easily ask us to stop sending you these communications.


The Website is meant for people over 18 years of age. The Company doesn’t intentionally collect Personal Data of minors without the explicit consent of their parents or guardians. In the even you learn that, by either mistake or neglect the Company has collected Personal Data of minors without the corresponding consent, please get in touch with us through our Corporate Committee of Personal Data via the means of communication indicated in the section titled “Your Rights”.


The Website may include links to third-party administered websites. This Privacy Notice will not be applicable to the processing and collection of Personal Data carried by such websites. We recommend you review the Privacy Notice of every website you visit before providing your Personal Data.


The Company may modify at any moment and at any circumstance this Privacy Notice. In the event these modifications to the Privacy Notice are of substance, an updated version will be posted on the Website, noting the date of the latest update. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Notice.


By a) making use of the Website; b) writing us by email or by any other means of communication, or c) entering our facilities, you are giving explicit consent to the processing of your Personal Data in the terms described in this Privacy Notice. The continued use of the Website, or your continued contact with us, or your reentry into our facilities carries the implicit acceptance of any changes performed to this Privacy Notice.


If you have a question or a comment regarding this Privacy Notice or how we process your Personal Data, please get in touch with our Corporate Committee on Personal Data through the means of communication outlined in the section “Your Rights”.

Last update: February 2020


Grupo Kuo, S.A.B. de C.V., heretofore “the Company” or “We”, located in Paseo de los Tamarindos, no. 400-B, 31st. floor, Colonia Bosques de las Lomas, Cuajimalpa de Morelos, Ciudad de México, C.P. 05110 is committed to the protection of your Personal Data, which is why, in compliance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held By Individuals (LFPDPPP), its rules and regulations and all applicable legislation, makes available to its Clients and Suppliers (in the case of natural persons) and/or their representatives (from now on will be referred as “you” or “Customer”, “Supplier”) the present Privacy Notice.

By ‘Personal Data’ we understand all information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person.
The Company may collect from you the following Personal Data:


Identifying data. Full name, ID, age, gender, nationality, signature, username and password.

Contacting data. Address, email, phone number, mobile phone number.

Fiscal information. Fiscal address, your Federal Registry of Taxpayers (R.F.C.), record of fiscal observance before the SAT (constancia de cumplimiento fiscal).

Patrimonial data. Bank account number, credit card number, payment capacity, credit history (information which can be obtained through you or through Credit Information Societies).


Identifying data. Full name, ID, age, gender, nationality, signature, username and password.

Contacting data. Address, email, phone number, mobile phone number.

Fiscal information. Fiscal address, your Federal Registry of Taxpayers (R.F.C.).

Patrimonial data. Bank account number, credit card number.

Third party Personal Data. Health certificates (considered sensible Personal Data), identifying data and employee contacting data in the event a staff member of said Supplier is designated to work in the Company’s facilities or other companies belonging to the same group as the Company. The Supplier that provides this Personal Data will make sure to have the consent of these third parties for providing said Personal Data.


Identifying data. Full name, ID, age, gender, nationality, signature, license plates, make and model of automobile.

Contacting data. Address, email, phone number, mobile phone number.

Representation data. Natural or juridical person you represent, position within your company, faculties of representation.

In any event we may ask you for a physical or digital copy of the documents that certify the veracity of the Personal Data you provide us (i.e., a copy of your ID).


The Personal Data we collect may be used for the following purposes:


  •   To evaluate your potential as a client.
  •   To enter contracts with you and to maintain a business relation.
  •   To stay in touch with you in the context of a business relation.
  •   To collect payments and to deliver the corresponding bills.
  •   To evaluate and, if approved, to extend a line a credit for the products and/or services you purchase from us.
  •   Overall, to fulfill the obligations and to exercise the rights that derive from our business relation with you.
  •   To conduct the Transference mentioned in the following section.
  •   To honor the requirements of the competent authorities, to meet legal obligations and to carry out legal actions.
  •   To ensure our safety and the safety of our information, as well as the safety of our employees, of other Customers, Suppliers, related societies, and third parties.
  •   To attend the requests you make regarding your Personal Data.
    Likewise, we may process your Personal Data for the following purposes, to which you may oppose at any moment:
    •    To send you information that may be of interest to you about our goods or services.


  •   To evaluate you as a potential Supplier (including, if justified, a background check), and given the case, to select you for the rendering of services or the supply of products.
  •   To enter into contracts and maintain a commercial relation with you in relation to the supply of products or the rendering of services.
  •   To stay in touch with you as part of a business relation.
  •   To create an account for your access to the Platform for Customers and Suppliers, and to allow access and the use of it for topics related to buying orders, billing, payments, etc.
  •   To conduct the payments and to collect the corresponding bills.
  •   In the event it’s required, whether because of the kind of services you provide to us or because of the type of information you have access to, to conduct periodical evaluations about your commercial status, substance use and/or other honesty and integrity tests.
  •   Overall, to carry out a business relationship.
  •   To ensure our safety and the safety of our information, as well as the safety of our employees, Customers, other Suppliers, related societies and third parties.
  •   To conduct the Transference mentioned in the following section.
  •   To fulfill the requirements of the competent authorities, to honor legal obligations and to carry out legal actions.
  •   To attend the requests you make in relation to your Personal Data. 


  •   To be able to enter contracts, to sign negotiable instruments, and to maintain a commercial relation with the person (natural or juridical) you represent.
  •   To get in touch with you regarding the business relation we have with the party you represent.
  •   Given the case, to provide you with access to the Platform for Suppliers and Customers, and to allow the use of it in the name of the party you represent.
  •   To conduct the Transference mentioned in the following section.
  •   To ensure our safety and the safekeeping of our information, as well as the safety of our employees, Customers, Suppliers, related societies and third parties.
  •   To fulfill the requirements of the competent authorities, to honor legal obligations and to carry out legal actions.
  •   To attend the requests you make in regards to your Personal Data. 

Your Personal Data may be transferred to the following third parties for the following purposes.



To conduct any of the goals previously stated, including those which can be opted in. Overall, to maintain a relation with you or with the parties you represent.

To honor requirements from competent authorities, to meet legal obligations, for the recognition, exercise, or defense of a right in a judiciary or administrative process; as well as in any case specifically allowed by the LFPDPPP.

To obtain information that allows us to evaluate your credit score and to open a line of credit or financing to you

Ways of Exercising your Rights

You are entitled to learning the Personal Data we possess on you, as well as learning how and to what ends we use it. You are also entitled to learning about the Privacy Notice that governs the way we process your Personal Data (Access). Likewise, you may request the correction or updating of your Personal Data (Rectification), the deletion of your Personal Data in the circumstances in which this is possible (Cancellation), as well as opposing to the processing of your Personal Data for specific purposes (Opposition) (together these are known as “ARCO rights). You may also limit the use and the disclosure of your data, or you can revoke the consent that was previously given for its processing, whenever this is feasible and applicable.

To exercise any of your rights, we ask you to please send a request to our Department of Personal Data to the following email:

datos.personales@kuo.com.mx . For your comfort, we have prepared a form that you can fill out for this end. You can request it at the above email. 

Your request must have at the very least the following information:

  •   Your full name, address, and email to inform you of our response.
  •   A document that certifies your identity (copy of your ID), and if necessary, the identity of your representative (copy of corresponding ID).
  •   A clear and accurate description of the Personal Data on which you wish to exercise your right and the right of your choosing.
  •   Any document or information that aides in locating your Personal Data.
  •   In the event that you request the rectification of your Personal Data, you must also indicate the changes to be made and provide the documentation that supports said changes.

We endeavor to reply in no more than 20 business days starting from the moment we receive your request, and if your request is deemed valid, 15 business days will be considered to execute the right that you requested.

You are given access to your Personal Data when it is provided for you in any way or format, or when simple copies of your Personal Data are given to you by the Company. 

The Company uses cookies in the Platform for Suppliers and Customers. Cookies are small text files that are saved into the hard drive of any device or computer and gather information about the users of a website.
The Company uses cookies, which are necessary for providing and operating the Platform, as well as for providing your continued access to it.
Cookies may collect information about your operative system, web browser, IP address, among other data. Some of this information may be considered as Personal Data and will be processed as it has been specified throughout this Privacy Notice.
For more information about what cookies are and how they work, please visit the following website: www.allaboutcookies.org/es.
You may disable or delete cookies from your browser configuration. For instance, in Google Chrome, access “Settings”, then click “More Tools”, then “Clear Browsing Data”, afterwards click on “Cookies and other site data” and click on “Clear Data”. Please keep in mind that there are features of the Platform for Suppliers and Customers that may not function properly if cookies are disabled.

All information to which you have access in relation to the business relation between you and with the Company (including but not limited to, Personal Data, intellectual property, industrial secrets, know-how, information about projects, costs, information about the business relation between you and the Company, etc.), whether as a Customer or as a Supplier, is strictly confidential. In that sense, it is forbidden to use for any ends other than the fulfillment of the obligations derived from said business relation. Likewise, it is strictly forbidden to transfer said information to third parties without the clearance (by writing and before the fact) of the Company.
As a Customer, Supplier or representative of one of the two, you are hereby committed to implementing the necessary and sufficient security measures needed for the protection of any confidential information you are given access to; to protecting it from any sort of damage, loss, destruction, alteration, use or unauthorized disclosure. These security measures must be equal to the ones you employ to protect your own confidential information.

We reserve the right to conduct at any moment, any changes, or updates to this Privacy Notice. If any substantial changes are made, a new, updated version of the Privacy Notice will be sent to your email, or a notification will be published about changes being made, along with an updated version of the Privacy Notice in the Platform for Suppliers and Customers.

By having a business relation with the Company, by providing your Personal Data, by acting as a representative of a person (natural or juridical) that has a business relation with the Company, and/or by using the Platform for Suppliers and Customers, you are giving your explicit consent for the processing of your Personal Data in the terms mentioned in this Privacy Notice.
Last update: February 2020

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