Message to the citizenship

With more than 30 years of experience in the production and marketing of pork as a food of high nutritional quality and safety for Mexican families and several markets abroad, Kekén is a company with an active social purpose, permanent environmental commitment, and compliance with current regulations, within a vision of sustainable pig farming based on human rights.

In response to matters related to publications or accusations in some media with false and inaccurate information, Kekén reiterates that it shares the initiative to take care of the environment, protecting flora and fauna in its facilities, respecting the natural environment, saving and optimizing essential resources such as water by complying with standards of good operational practices and being a reference in the permanent recirculation of the vital liquid developing a innovative ecotechnology, unique in its kind in the industry in terms of savings and Zero Discharge.

Our sustainability strategy is aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) embedded in our processes.

As a Socially Responsible Company oriented towards promoting human rights, we maintain a close and proactive dialogue with multiple communities, their families, and authorities, consolidating synergies that allow us to establish programs that help in public healthcare, self-employment systems and a better quality of life.

At Kekén we are convinced that dialogue and consensus are the best tools to build opportunities, development and solutions that translate into social harmony with benefits for Mexican families. We will continue encouraging respect for the plurality of ideologies and freedom of expression based on informed information and pursuing a common agenda and not particular interests.

Kekén is a proudly Mexican company that supplies food to the country and generates 9,000 sources of employment for Mexicans directly and more than 35,000 indirect jobs through its production chain.

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In regards to the events that took place in Sitilpech, Yucatán, Mexico it’s important to note that the pig farm “Kancabchén II” is owned by “Productos Pecuarios para el Consumo S.P.R DE R.L DE C.V. Inc.” which is partner in our sharecropping program.

A complaint by a group of citizens derivate into legal lawsuit which caused the closing of the farm named above for nine months. On January 9th, 2023 a judge at the Tribunal Colegiado en materias Penal y Administrativa del Decimocuarto circuito located in Mérida rejected this complaint, allowing the pig farm to resume operations with the full right of the law.

After that veredict, a group of unsatisfied citizens from Sitilpech committed several illegal acts, such as blocking access to the farm, placing employees in danger and limiting their right to work, as well as blocking roadways that lead to surrounding towns and cities, thus violating the right of way for the people of Yucatán.

This situation has been identified by a full of misunderstanding and lack of information about the working conditions of a technologically-minded, well-organized, and sustainable Pig Farm. These facts have created a negative campaign against the the company, involving our brand as a result, into the radically-minded position toward the livestock industry.

Repeated pleas for dialogue and the respect of peace and order made by the Kancabchén II farm and the Asociación Ganadera Local de Porcicultores de Mérida A.C. in printed media have been ignored by the activists. In addition this group didn’t attend a Conciliation forums with different levels of government offices including the Comisión de Derechos Humanos del estado de Yucatán (CODHEY), where industry representatives were also present.

Kekén will always honor freedom of speech, the plurality of thought, and peacefulness. We will always consider the dialogue between parties as a way of working out differences and reaching agreements that can satisfy everyone. That is why we strongly complaint any expression that uses violence, defy the Laws and threaten human rights.

Regarding information published recently in media, discussing the legal situation of the farm located in the municipality of Homún, Kekén wishes to clarify, as done several occasions since 2017, that the facilities of the project are third party owned and therefore Kekén is not involved with any legal process related to this or any of its facilities.

The owners who aspire to be part of the company’s value chain are responsible for the management of licenses and permits for their facilities. Kekén takes no part in obtaining administrative authorizations for its sharecroppers.

In compliance with our corporate policy and best business practices, Kekén requires all of its strategic partners to use the best and state of the art technology as well as applying international operating standards to promote sustainable pig farming.

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