About us

A world class company

We contribute to food security by providing nutritious and healthy food to Mexican families and those around the world

We proudly promote our world-class quality culture, positioning ourselves among the best Mexican agri-food companies, being a national and international benchmark for our good practices, technology and innovation.

Our packing plants have TIF certification, which guarantees that the final product has the highest standards of quality and safety. To achieve this certification, we comply with the strictest health and hygiene standards, including supervision by specialized Mexican government veterinarians, who guarantee compliance with sanitary regulations through various physical, chemical and microbiological tests.

Certified in the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System, known as HACCP, which is a management system that addresses food safety through the identification, analysis and control of physical, chemical, biological and radiological hazards, from raw materials and the stages of the manufacturing process to the distribution and consumption of the finished product.

We are FSSC 22000 certified, guaranteeing compliance with food safety requirements throughout our production, processing, storage and distribution chain.

ISO 45001 is the international standard for occupational health and safety management systems, designed to protect workers and visitors from accidents and occupational hazards; its ultimate goal is to promote compliance with legal requirements, safe and healthy production spaces.

Our production units have quality management systems endorsed by the ISO 9001:2015 standard. It is one of the standards that sets the requirements for a Quality Management System (QMS) used in an organization, and is based on three pillars: risk management, quality management system and functional structure of the company.

We have the Cloverleaf Animal Welfare international certification, consolidating our priority with animal welfare and recognizing that our production system, from the farms of origin to the processing plants, also complies with the Common Audit of the pork industry and NAMI standards.

The implementation and certification of the San Antonio Balanced feed meal plant in an environmental management system based on ISO 14001:2015, is a way to demonstrate our commitment, improving environmental performance, preventing pollution and complying with legal requirements, taking another step towards a sustainable swine farming.

Scope of certification: Production of balanced feed meal for pigs. Certificate number: 3683. Validity: 12-09-2026

Our highly competitive level allows us to export to more than 10 countries with presence in the American, Asian and African continents, positioning us among the leaders of the sector.

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