Animal Welfare, a priority for Kekén’s sustainable production

where the care and welfare of the pigs guarantees a high productive yield.

Committed to the continuous improvement of each of our processes

and to sustainable production that guarantees international standards in terms of animal welfare, we have managed to certify our two packing plants located in Sahé and Umán, as well as our farms.

The seal granted by Cloverleaf Animal Welfare System,

an international company specialized in animal welfare processes, guarantees that both our farms, pig transportation and processing plants comply with the animal welfare standard aligned with the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH).

At Kekén, our main objective is to maintain the continuous improvement of our processes

Under the scheme of objective 12 of Responsible Production and Consumption dictated by the United Nations Organization, which involves the quality of our products, the care and welfare of our animals, as well as the responsible use of natural resources.

Sustainable pig farming not only boosts the economy of the region, but also guarantees the permanence of the food industry and pork production as one of the main activities of the country.

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